Just one quick shot from our most recent wedding. Good stuff! :)
Back Home... Well I survived my trip to the great white north. Actually the great white north looks a lot like Indiana. It was a long and crazy three days, but I got the studio completely up and running, wireless camera systems and all. Now I'm back home and trying to get caught back up on everything that I missed in those three days. Wee! I just got finished processing the photos from our last wedding, so should be able to show some of those shortly. Got my first commercial shoot tomorrow (advertising layout for a bus company), and another wedding this weekend. Let the fun begin!!
I'm a Consultant! I'm writing this from a slightly smelly, very out-dated room at the Holiday Inn East St. Paul in St. Paul, Minnnesota. The studio I do some work for is expanding a franchise into a suburb of the Twin Cities and they asked me to come up for a few days to do the complete tech setup. I flew in this afternoon, and have already set up several of their computer systems. Tomorrow they should have the cabling finished for their file server, as well as the delivery of the print server.
Today was long. Tomorrow is shaping up to be a marathon. But it's fun...I get to play with lots of computers and cameras with a couple of cool fellow Purdue alums. I have a feeling tomorrow night will involve beer. Tonight though, is just a hot shower...and hopefully this bed is a lot softer than it looks!
Daddy's Girl... So we went out and shot a wedding today. First of all, good wedding. Second of all, Kelly is absolutely hard-core! She's still got stitches in her knee, still wearing the anti-embolism thigh-sock, still doing her PT several times a day...and she wanted to come to the wedding and help shoot. I told her she could come as long as she stayed sitting most of the time and let me do the majority of the shooting. Yeah, right. She shot it pretty much like a normal wedding. It's 10:40pm and I'm writing this while the photos are downloading from the CF cards. We've both been going since about 11:30 this morning, and she kept up with me pretty much shot-for-shot. Anyway, good wedding, got lots of great shots, and will have some of Erica and Brad up in the next few days. But the real heart-breaker is that I was talking with my mom (who nannys for us during the week) about how Molly did tonight. From 7:00 until after 9:00 she just roamed the house crying and saying, "Daddddyyyyyyy" over and over and over. I just want to cry, I love that little kid so much!! I really want to go get her and let her sleep with us tonight, but you know...I really want to get some sleep, myself!