Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Calendar update

FINALLY got time to sit down for ten minutes with my code at home and start in on some badly needed overhauling / retooling of the main website. First priority...fix the calendar. Not only was it outdated, it was a royal pain in the arse to update. Google to the rescue!!

Now if you check out our availability calendar, you'll see an embedded Google calendar that will automatically update as we book dates or dates become unavailable because of hockey playoffs or something similar.

Yay, go me! Now I have to find time to install a Lightroom plugin that will let me push photos directly to the galleries on the website. Why oh why do I know so much about HTML and Javascript coding when I have never in my life been a programmer?!?! :-D

Thursday, October 02, 2008


2008-09-21_0009.jpg, originally uploaded by whitesharkphoto.

Of course, we're never going to abandon the classic great hockey photos. I was amazed to grab this shot so quickly into the start of the season. This was taken probably ten minutes or so after the game started. Took both of us a bit to get the timing back and shake off the rust, and we still shot heavy as hell (over 500 images at a preseason game?!?!), but by halfway through the first we were nailing almost all our usual great shots.

Black and white

2008-09-20_0279.jpg, originally uploaded by whitesharkphoto.

Kelly and I _LOVE_ black and white photography. I recently had to go back through several weddings to choose favorite photos for a slideshow, and nearly all of the photos I chose were black and white. We're shooting a different format at the hockey games this season, so look to see more black and white stuff and different crops posted here and available in the galleries for purchase.

A different look...

2008-09-20_0222.jpg, originally uploaded by whitesharkphoto.

Great thing about shooting at the Ice Skadium is the different views we can get as compared to at Pepsi. One of our main goals with the team photography this season is to try different things to bring an artistic view of what the boys go through throughout the season.

Drop the puck, bay-beeeeee!!!!

2008-09-20_0019.jpg, originally uploaded by whitesharkphoto.

That's right, it's hockey season again!!!!!!

These first few shots are from the Ice's home preseason games at the Ice Skadium in Carmel. Saturday night kicks off the regular season with games at Pepsi Coliseum at the Fairgrounds.