Anyway, it was still fun to be home with Molly and playing in the snow. She was visiting her grandparents in southern Indiana for a lot of that time, but still made it home for some of the snow. She loves to make " 'now angels", but needs some help waving her arms and legs.
We've been spending these slow weeks finishing up some projects around the house, letting Molly do a lot of fingerpainting, working on some album-design projects for Whiteshark, and preparing a new re-design of our website. Look for that to roll out (hopefully) in a few weeks.
In the meantime, here are a few recent photos...

Looks like fun! I'm glad I'm not the only one who takes tons of pictures of their kiddo during the off season!
You can have all that snow. It looks pretty for a little while - but I much prefer warm, sandy beaches.
Glad Molly enjoyed it.
I miss snow. I remember back, 3-4 years ago we had some snow. Now all we seem to get is 60-70 degree days.
Looks like fun! I miss snow!
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