Tuesday, January 20, 2009

So I went to a fight, and a hockey game broke out!

2009-01-17_0182, originally uploaded by whitesharkphoto.

Yeah, it's one of the most often discussed aspects of hockey--the fighting. At some point every year or two a big discussion comes up about banning fighting in the sport. If you ask me though, the sport would be lesser without the fights. I'm not trying to say that I like the violence or want to have the world thinking that everyone can solve their problems by beating each other up, but within the context of the sport, fighting must really be understood for what it is, and that's _part of the sport_. Very rarely will a hockey player fight because he's pissed off at another player (though that does happen). More often the fight happens to serve a very specific purpose--to send a message to the other team, to repay a cheap shot that the ref might have missed, or simply to fire up a team that's down and give them some spirit. No matter what the reason, the hockey fight is an integral part of the sport, and I love that though we have referees, they can't see everything at once and the sport still has this mechanism for self-policing.

About the photo: Another of Kelly's photos, this is Sebastian Geoffrion, grandson of Bernie Geoffrion, an NHL Hall of Famer who played with the Canadiens and Rangers for years. Check his story out on Wikipedia sometime, it's a really interesting read!

The Swede and the Russian

2009-01-17_0053, originally uploaded by whitesharkphoto.

So this is how the guys warm up before a game??

Sunday, January 18, 2009


2009-01-16_0119, originally uploaded by whitesharkphoto.

Hey, it's everybody's favorite big blue...ummm...whatever he is!

New Faces

2009-01-16_0077, originally uploaded by whitesharkphoto.

The Ice picked up a couple new players in the past week. Mike Cichy came to the Ice and made an immediate impact, picking up a couple goals in his first home game.

Thanks to a separated shoulder and a sick kid, John was stuck at home for this game, so all of the Jan 16 photos are courtesy of Kelly.

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Happy New Year!

20090101-DSCF7747.jpg, originally uploaded by whitesharkphoto.

Yeah, speaking of Zac and his party, there's the man of the hour (and looking quite dapper in his new suit!).

New Year's Eve Party

20090101-DSCF7743.jpg, originally uploaded by whitesharkphoto.

After the hockey game at Conseco, Kelly and I changed into our party clothes and headed up to Zac's place to ring in 2009! This is at the stroke of midnight.


2008-12-31_0362.jpg, originally uploaded by whitesharkphoto.

Brett Bennett making a really nice kick-save.

Kelly @ Conseco

2008-12-31_0226.jpg, originally uploaded by whitesharkphoto.

Kelly doin' her thing at the New Year's Eve Ice game at Conseco.

Max Attack

2008-12-31_0109.jpg, originally uploaded by whitesharkphoto.

Okay, it's a cheesy post title, but hey, my coffee hasn't saturated my brain tissue yet! This is yet another of Kelly's shots, one of Max Cook trying a wraparound. He didn't score on this opportunity, but it was a great scoring chance.


2008-12-31_0039.jpg, originally uploaded by whitesharkphoto.

One of Kelly's photos, a shot of some of the players' sticks lined up in the hallway outside of the locker room.


2008-12-31_0081.jpg, originally uploaded by whitesharkphoto.

Chris Palifito, starting goalie, during the pre-game introductions. This is one of Kelly's 'signature' shots from Conseco.

New Year's Eve @ Conseco

2008-12-31_0198.jpg, originally uploaded by whitesharkphoto.

I've always had a love/hate relationship with shooting Ice games in Conseco Fieldhouse. On one hand, the arena is first-class. Maybe not an NHL-caliber venue, but at least good enough for AHL or IHL. On the other hand, the place is just massive and there's no easy way to get around, so shooting a game there is three hours of climbing stairs and waiting for elevators and running down long underground tunnels.

Still, the lighting is superb once you're tied into the big strobes and have figured out where the fall-off areas are (the regular lights are surprisingly yellow), and as I said, the place is just beautiful.

This is a shot of Sebastian Geoffrion's first fight of the night. He ended up with two fights on the evening.